To forgive, divine.
5:58 a.m.
This quote.
The words on this image.
Thinking about them.
The contradiction.
Live truly. Yes.
Forgive quickly? Maybe.
If it comes quickly.
And if it doesn't... there is nothing wrong with molasses.
To feign forgiveness is to live untrue.
Truth comes in its own time, in its own way
If you've been cut, you can't simply yell "Heal!" at the wound.
Well you can, but good luck with that.
It can take decades. It is so sad when it does.
Because it's never about the other person.
It's always about you. The forward motion of you.
The equilibrium of you. The emancipation of you.
It is getting to the place where you can know - in stillness not angst -
that it could have been nothing else.
It is making peace with the fact that the person did
what he or she was capable of doing,
based on where he or she was in an individual evolutionary process.
And whatever that thing was, it hurt.
But we all hurt people.
We all wreak havoc. We liberate our bitches.
At different times, in different ways, to varying degrees.
Each of us likely has one relationship that exists today because we were forgiven.
And we may not even know it.
So it is about seeking and accepting the lesson - there is always a lesson -
rather than sitting in the hurt.
Imagine this person,
the one who controls your joy, with a list entitled
People I Can Puppeteer
Imagine your name on it.
To try can be brutal. To not is more so.
There is a person I thought I could never forgive.
Someone who drew spiritual blood.
I have. Completely. And I am free.
Whomever we cannot forgive wins.
Whomever we cannot forgive owns a piece of us.
I truly believe that.
And I'm into sole proprietorship.
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